I would Like to annouce that Kidz In The Park is now fully speechified facility. Our staff is now fully trained to help kids boost speech, language and overall development. We are guided by our speechified coach through proper workshop held at our centre to become a more intentional, goal-centered, speech boosting educators.

Speechified Skills we do focus on:

Join In

Which means we will focus more on what is child interested in , Join in at their level, Turn taking vs take Over. That way we can help them talk more about preffered activity.

Akward waiting

We will be creating fair chance to communicate, a pause of 7 to 8 Sec will help them fill in the gaps and encourage them to use words.

Match and Model More

Match there level and than add little more. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat. It will help children to develop receptive and expresssive language.
